Wednesday, September 4, Day 4

LiFT: All students please return to your period 1 teacher for LiFT. Base locations will be shared as they are set up during the first cycle. 

Sec 3 & 4, WOTP, 24U (year 1) Toronto-Niagara Falls trip: Once again, a 2-night, 3-day trip will be offered May 16 to 18. Registration forms will be available around the end of September – listen to the announcements. The cost is approximately $725; all is included, even most meals. $350 will be required to register and the balance to be paid in February. For questions, see Mr. Forster in  D416B (beside Mrs. Wilson). 

Athletics: Even if you didn’t sign up for soccer or cross-country at orientation, all students are welcome at try-outs. Practices start Thursday, September 5. Everyone meets in the gyms at 4:00pm. 

Weightlifting: The new equipment is here! After-school weightlifting starts on Thursday, September 5. Please see Mr. Gendron in E429 or Ms. Marcotte in D313 to sign up. There are no drop-ins. You must sign up to attend. 

Lunch Kiosk: Our school nurse and Student Services will be in the fourth floor plaza today, Wednesday, at lunch. Feel free to stop by with any questions you may have, or just to say hi! 

Thrift Shop: Open Thursday this week. Lots of stuff! Come and see what we have for you! We also have lots of binders if you are missing some.

Prom/Yearbook Committee Meeting: There will be the first meeting Monday, September 9, at lunch in Ms. Wilson’s classroom, D416A. Bring your lunch! 

Intramural Sign-Ups: Sign-ups for intramural soccer will be down in the gyms.  The schedule will be split into 2 divisions: Levels 1 & 2 and levels 3, 4 & 5.  Deadline to sign-up is Monday, September 9.

Gyms @ Lunch: 

K101- Floor hockey

K102/103- Basketball

Starting Monday, September 9 students must be dressed in athletic gear to participate in the gyms during lunch.  The blue phys ed shirt is not required.

Report a student absence

To report your child’s absence, we encourage you to email us at:  Please include your child’s full name, level and a brief explanation for his/her absence.